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“You don’t even have to confine your search within the country’s 50 states. About 50,000 retired Americans have crossed the southern border to buy real estate in Costa Rica to spend their golden years there. Expats can obtain residency status by proving that they receive at least $1000 in pension, Social Security, or retirement funds. Once they do, they can then enroll in the country’s top-notch public health-care system for a small monthly stipend. International Living Magazine says that health-care costs in Costa Rica is only about a third to a fifth of what it would cost stateside, and even private health insurance is markedly cheaper.

Many retirees live comfortably there on just $1000-$2000 a month, nearly impossible in the States. On that monthly budget, a retiree need not sacrifice some luxuries like cable TV, internet, cell phones, and the occasional dinner out to enjoy his life in the new country.”